Transformation from nothing to everything.
On new years eve 1999, at the birth of a new era, I died. I was alive with no identity, no purpose, and no love.
20 years later, after 16 years in isolation, I was reborn.I became alive in my world, in my reality and in my essence.My only source, a handful of supernatural experience that inspired art, purpose and the ultimate love.
I am jai sol.
Print is like magic, it's like art. It is a process of copying and replicating information and visuals onto paper, material or fabric. The copy is duplicated and sent out into the world and then the magic truly happens. The copy allows people access to information and possibly art which can guide them to new experiences. From a simple label on a jar to a design on fabric, print transforms how we communicate our message to whomever we want without being there in person. It supports people who simply want to share words and empowers creatives who want to simple convey their world.
• Journey - Jai first ever print of his art was developed in 1993
• Geek - Jai invested over ten years exploring methods of printing.

pigments to pixcel
One of the many limitations of traditionally crafted fine art is that you have to be in its presence to truly experience its qualities. The pigments, the paints and highly detailed brush strokes found in these works often showcases the artists energy and skill to create texture and depth on a 2d surface. So when we look at the art, we see glimpses of hand crafted magic, and clues to the artit intention and ambition in the work, facilitati a human experience. The medium used and the platform created for it ie a frame, white lights and a big ewhite room to show it are ideal for fine art.
I love that about it but surely there must be a way where everybody can experience that and with print we have a fantastic tool that if mastered can transfer the visual and it energy. Its about understanding the technology and using my natural creativity and experience of traditional art to somehow merge. From pigments to pixels ... Create that feeling, that magic.
• Journey - Jai spent 16 years in RESEARCHING DIGITAL STUFF
• Geek - On average his art contains over 5 thousand layers
Art transformed Jai's life, guiding him to rediscover his authenticity, nature and spirit. For decades, Jai struggled to relate with people and the world. He lived in isolation and fear, feeling lost and unable to freely express himself. Art helped Jai to escape that reality and enter a world of creativity and possibility. The creative process forced him to abandon the mental and emotional conditioning of family, society and culture that influenced him to conform to an identity, a label and lifestyle. Art encouraged him to embrace the natural world and his value as a person.
• Jai began his working career cleaning chicken barns
• He has our shallow and deep tray frames
• Available in our shallow and deep tray frames
• Hi-definition 12 colour printing

power people
Jai has drawn inspiration from many artists who have explored print as a medium of art. People who transform a two-dimensional entity into a concept of meaning. Warhol, mattise, durur, and debussy to name a few.
Andy Warhol truly inspired Jai's exposure to print and its power to transcend a message. Jai was a fan of his unique work through the medium of film and photography. He admired Andy's courage to use print to convey art. It inspired him and manifested a curiosity to explore and use the power of print.
• A glassless frame with interchangeable prints
• Sealed with a smooth matte finish
• Available in our shallow and deep tray frames
• Hi-definition 12 colour printing